Release v0.2.0 (2020/09/11)¶
🎉 Second minor release of PyGMT 🎉
Minimum required GMT version is now 6.1.1 or newer (#577)
Plotting xarray grids using grdimage and grdview should not crash anymore and works for most cases (#560)
Easier time-series plots with support for datetime-like inputs to plot (#464) and the region argument (#562)
New Features:
Wrap GMT_Put_Strings to pass str columns into GMT C API directly (#520)
Wrap meca (#516)
Wrap x2sys_init and x2sys_cross (#546)
Let grdcut() accept xarray.DataArray as input (#541)
Initialize a GMTDataArrayAccessor (#500)
Allow passing in pandas dataframes to x2sys_cross (#591)
Sensible array outputs for pygmt info (#575)
Allow pandas.DataFrame table and 1D/2D numpy array inputs into (#574)
Add auto-legend feature to grdcontour and contour (#568)
Add common alias verbose (V) (#550)
Let load_earth_relief() support all resolutions and optional subregion (#542)
Allow load_earth_relief() to load pixel or gridline registered data (#509)
Improve docstring of data_kind() to include xarray grid (#588)
Improve the documentation of Figure.shift_origin() (#536)
Fix the grdtrack example to avoid crashes on macOS (#531)
Add shading to grdview gallery example (#506)
Bug Fixes:
Ensure surface and grdcut loads GMTDataArray accessor info into xarray (#539)
Raise an error if short- and long-form arguments coexist (#537)
Fix the grdtrack example to avoid crashes on macOS (#531)
Properly allow for either pixel or gridline registered grids (#476)
Add a test for xarray shading (#581)
Remove expected failures on grdview tests (#589)
Redesign check_figures_equal testing function to be more explicit (#590)
Cut Windows CI build time in half to 15 min (#586)
Add a test for Session.write_data() writing netCDF grids (#583)
Add a test to make sure shift_origin does not crash (#580)
Add testing.check_figures_equal to avoid storing baseline images (#555)
Eliminate unnecessary jobs from Travis CI (#567)
Improve the workflow to test both GMT master and 6.1 branches (#554)
Automatically cancel in-progress CI runs of old commits (#544)
Github Actions CI for testing GMT master branch (#485)
Remove the Stickler CI configuration file (#538)
Cache GMT remote data as artifacts on Github (#530)
Run style checks using GitHub Actions instead of Azure Pipelines (#519)
Bump the required minimum GMT version to 6.1.0 (#507)
Eliminate Azure Pipelines CI jobs, use GitHub Actions instead (#513)
Let pytest generate both HTML and XML coverage reports (#512)
Run Continuous Integration tests on Github Actions (#475)
Release v0.1.2 (2020/07/07)¶
Patch release in preparation for the SciPy 2020 sprint session
Last version to support GMT 6.0, future PyGMT versions will require GMT 6.1 or newer
New Features:
Wrap grdcut (#492)
Add show_versions() function for printing debugging information used in issue reports (#466)
Change load_earth_relief()’s default resolution to 01d (#488)
Enhance text with extra functionality and aliases (#481)
Add gallery example for grdview (#502)
Turn all short aliases into long form (#474)
Update the plotting example using the colormap generated by pygmt.makecpt (#472)
Add instructions to view the test coverage reports locally (#468)
Update the instructions for testing pygmt install (#459)
Bug Fixes:
Fix a bug when passing data to GMT in Session.open_virtual_file() (#490)
Temporarily expect failures for some grdcontour and grdview tests (#503)
Fix several failures due to updates of earth relief data (#498)
Unpin pylint version and fix some lint warnings (#484)
Separate tests of gmtinfo and grdinfo (#461)
Fix the test for GMT_COMPATIBILITY=6 (#454)
Update baseline images for updates of earth relief data (#452)
Simplify PyGMT Release process (#446)
Release v0.1.1 (2020/05/22)¶
🏁Windows users rejoice, this bugfix release is for you!🏁
Let PyGMT work with the conda GMT package on Windows (#434)
Handle setting special parameters without default settings for config (#411)
Update install instructions (#430)
Add PyGMT AGU 2019 poster to website (#425)
Redirect to latest, instead of dev (#423)
Bug Fixes:
Set GMT_COMPATIBILITY to 6 when pygmt session starts (#432)
Improve how PyGMT finds the GMT library (#440)
This release contains contributions from:
Release v0.1.0 (2020/05/03)¶
🎉 First official release of PyGMT 🎉
Python 3.8 is now supported (#398)
PyGMT now uses the stable version of GMT 6.0.0 by default (#363)
Use sphinx-gallery to manage examples and tutorials (#268)
New features:
Wrap blockmedian (#349)
Add pygmt.config() to change gmt defaults locally and globally (#293)
Wrap grdview (#330)
Wrap grdtrack (#308)
Wrap colorbar (#332)
Wrap text (#321)
Wrap legend (#333)
Wrap makecpt (#329)
Add a new method to shift plot origins (#289)
Allow text accepting “frame” as an argument (#385)
Allow for grids with negative lat/lon increments (#369)
Allow passing in list to ‘region’ argument in surface (#378)
Allow passing in scalar number to x and y in plot (#376)
Implement default position/box for legend (#359)
Add sequence_space converter in kwargs_to_string (#325)
Update PyPI install instructions and API disclaimer message (#421)
Fix the link to GMT documentation (#419)
Use napoleon instead of numpydoc with sphinx (#383)
Document using a list for repeated arguments (#361)
Add legend gallery entry (#358)
Update instructions to set GMT_LIBRARY_PATH (#324)
Fix the link to the GMT homepage (#331)
Split projections gallery by projection types (#318)
Fix the link to GMT/Matlab API in the README (#297)
Use shinx extlinks for linking GMT docs (#294)
Comment about country code in projection examples (#290)
Add an overview page listing presentations (#286)
Bug Fixes:
Let surface return xr.DataArray instead of xr.Dataset (#408)
Update GMT constant GMT_STR16 to GMT_VF_LEN for GMT API change in 6.1.0 (#397)
Properly trigger pytest matplotlib image comparison (#352)
Use uuid.uuid4 to generate unique names (#274)
Quickfix Zeit Now miniconda installer link to (#413)
Fix Github Pages deployment from Travis (#410)
Update and clean TravisCI configuration (#404)
Quickfix min elevation for new SRTM15+V2.1 earth relief grids (#401)
Wrap docstrings to 79 chars and check with flake8 (#384)
Update continuous integration scripts to 1.2.0 (#355)
Use Zeit Now to deploy doc builds from PRs (#344)
Move gmt from requirements.txt to CI scripts instead (#343)
Change py.test to pytest (#338)
Add Google Analytics to measure site visitors (#314)
Register mpl_image_compare marker to remove PytestUnknownMarkWarning (#323)
Enable Mac and Windows CI on Azure Pipelines (#312)
Fixes for using GMT 6.0.0rc1 (#311)
Assign authorship to “The PyGMT Developers” (#284)
Remove mention of (#405)
Remove portrait (-P) from common options (#339)
Remove require.js since WorldWind was dropped (#278)
Remove Web WorldWind support (#275)
This release contains contributions from: